Thursday, 6 November 2008

Feeding a cold

Last night it was fishfingers and lemon fondant potatoes. Not very bonfire-y I admit but my other half wanted fishfingers (and jolly nice they were too)

Today I am suffering from a cough and sinus cold. Any suggestions about a healthy, nourishing tea?

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Tonight I shall be mostly eating....

So. Tuesday. It's US election night, so maybe we should go with an American theme. But it's also nearly Bonfire Night, which makes me think of really slow-baked potatoes, marshmallows on sticks and of course sausages.

Anyone got any Americana ideas so I can save the spuds for another day?

What we're all about

It's the age-old question.... what shall we have for tea?

Here's where we plan to share our ideas with you - and we want you to share them with us!